Hey Dolls,
Our First Annual Bliss Princess Contest was a fantastic success. We have recieved over 300 photos and Thank you to each and everyone one that is a part of this. The entries were amazing and of course included the most beautiful Dolls in all of SL.
Now, we have all been waiting patiently for the Announcement. - It is with great pride and honor that Bliss Couture announces the first annual Bliss Princess and four finalists.
Bliss Couture Princess - NYLA ASHBUORNE

Our Bliss Princess will reign with the four finalists for 3 month. You will be able to see her winning photo in our Main Bliss Couture Shop. The Bliss Princess and the four Finalists will each receive a prize from Bliss Couture compliments of Amutey DeCuir and will be place on Bliss Couture Blog and Flickr Pages.
Amutey and the Bliss Couture Management Team would once again like to thank everyone that submitted a photo. It was a great pleasure to accept all the beautiful entries.
The 4 beautiful Finalists
Wenadrenia Soderstrom
Arialee Miles
Anja GustafsonOnce Again, Thank you for Joinning, We look forward to making our Bliss Princess Contest an Seasonal event Thanks to the overwhelming participation.
Best Regards,
Bliss Couture Management Team